TextToMp3: 《Lenda de Bruce Lee》
1texttomp3posted on 2019/08/23 17:54:00
Os fãs de Bruce Lee dizem que sua morte súbita, aos 32 anos, foi uma tragédia para o cinema de Hong Kong, mas que seu legado continua.
texttomp3posted on 2019/08/23 17:54:00
Os fãs de Bruce Lee dizem que sua morte súbita, aos 32 anos, foi uma tragédia para o cinema de Hong Kong, mas que seu legado continua.
texttomp3posted on 2019/08/23 13:38:48
Tross sine nye øyne hadde mennesket fremdeles sin rot i stoffet, dets sjel var innspunnet i det og underlagt dets blinde lov. Men samtidig kunne han se på stoffet som en fremmed, sideordne seg med andre fenomener, gjennomskue og plassere sine egne vitale
texttomp3posted on 2019/08/23 10:30:00
Why won’t the elephant use the computer?
He’s afraid of the mouse!
texttomp3posted on 2019/08/23 09:38:01
전역 한 달 전 휴가를 나와 시내의 한 헌책방에 갔다. 주인에게 이어령 교수의 전집이 있는지 물었다. 주인은 친절하게 전집을 찾아 주면서, 이어령 교수의 약력부터 전집 내용까지 소상히 설명해 주는 것이었다.
texttomp3posted on 2019/08/22 16:38:37
Birgün, adam ormanda gezerken bir kelebeğin kozasından çıkmaya çalıştığını gördü. Kozasındaki küçük delikten çıkmaya çabalayan kelebeği saatlerce izledi.
texttomp3posted on 2019/08/22 14:46:53
In the age of technology, it is not difficult to synthesize speech in foreign language texts. Technology can only be imagined and cannot be done.
The development of science and technology has brought convenience to our lives. In this era of globalizat
texttomp3posted on 2019/08/22 11:38:48
Real bosco di Capodimonte, Napoli
Il Real Bosco di Capodimonte si staglia per poco più di un chilometro quadrato accanto all’omonima reggia na
texttomp3posted on 2019/08/22 10:32:28
E se eu,eu que aqui estou à tua frente,conhecer uma flor única no mundo , uma flor que não existe em mais lado nenhum senão no meu planeta , mas que , numa manhã qualquer , uma ovelhinha pode reduzir a nada num instante , assim , sem dar sequer pelo que e
texttomp3posted on 2019/08/22 09:52:59
Un estudiante universitario salió un día a dar un paseo con un profesor, a quien los alumnos consideraban su amigo debido a su bondad para quienes seguían sus instrucciones.
Mientras caminaban, vieron en el camino un par de zapatos viejos y supusieron qu
texttomp3posted on 2019/08/21 17:04:48
Как-то раз одному человеку приснился сон. Ему снилось, будто он идет песчаным берегом, а рядом с ним — Господь. На небе мелькали картины из его жизни, и после каждой из них он замечал на песке две цепочки следов: одну — от его ног, другую — от ног Господа
texttomp3posted on 2019/08/21 15:34:00
Today, with the rapid development of technology, many products have been born. Some products are never thought of, just like text can now be directly changed to audio. Foreign languages that you can't understand can be translated by swiping with your m
texttomp3posted on 2019/08/21 14:46:58
TextToMp3 supports multilingual dubbing.
Languages supported by TextToMp3 include: Chinese, English, Japanese, Russian, Korean, French, German, Danish, Icelandic, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Norwegian, Romanian, Swedish, Welsh, Turkish
texttomp3posted on 2019/08/21 11:03:46
Text to voice:
Chaque semaine compte deux jours dans lesquels nous ne devrions pas nous faire de souci, deux jours où il ne nous faudrait connaître ni crainte, ni appréhension.
Le premier jour, c'est hier, qui porte le fardeau de ses soucis, de ses err
texttomp3posted on 2019/08/20 17:18:23
Diese Geschichte ist eigentlich gelogen, Kinder, aber wahr ist sie doch, denn mein Großvater, von dem ich sie habe, pflegte immer, wenn er sie erzählte, zu sagen: » Wahr muß sie sein, mein Sohn, sonst könnte man sie ja nicht erzählen. « Die Geschichte a